
Almost dependent typechecking in Python

In this post I evolve the idea of typechecking Python code by using the ast module introduced at Polymorphic Typechecking in Python by Unification, but instead of using unification I use evaluation to compare the types.

The code that we will typecheck can be found here and the typechecker here.

To run the typechecker and the tests clone the repo and do this:

# running the typechecker
python pydepcheck.py pydepchecktest.py
# running the tests (you need pytest installed)
pytest pydepchecktest.py

I will not show the full code here to not make the post overwheming, but I will briefly explain how to typechecker works in the end of the post. Let’s start simple.

Polymorphic functions

On Polymorphic Typechecking in Python by Unification, I used strings to express the type signatures, but I want to try to index my types by any kind of Python expressions, so using strings become a burden and I decided to look for another representation.

I want something like forall (a : Type) (b : a), E where a is a type b is a term with type a and E is any Python expression, but which are still valid Python. The encoding I come up to represent functions was to use a lambda returning a tuple. With a lambda I can introduce names, and with tuples I can represent the function arguments and return value.

So for a add function int -> int -> int is expresed as lambda: (int, int, int). If the function is polymorphic I use the lambda to introduce the type variable, the id function has this type lambda T: (Type, T, T).

As before I use a special function to introduce type information and use the ast module to parse and typecheck the code.

The id and add function state with type anotations:

type_("id", lambda T: (type, T, T))
def id(T, a):
    return a

type_("add", lambda: (int, int, int))
def add(a, b):
    return a + b

You see that id function receives two arguments T and a. T is the type of a. This looks redundant, and it is at some point, but this is what happens behind the scenes in most implementations of polymorphism, in most cases the type argument is implicit and just infered from the other arguments. Here are some calls

id(int, 1)          # ok 
id(int, "foo")      # type error, but it works at runtime
id(int, id(int, 1)) # ok
add(1, 2)           # ok
add(1, True)        # type error, but it works at runtime
add(1, "bar")       # type error and fails at runtime

Type abstraction/Polymorphic container types

In the same way that polymorphic functions are functions that receive a type as argument, polymorphic types are just functions that receive types as argument and returns a type. Here I define a box(T) type. At runtime this is just a list with a single value.

type_("box", lambda T: (Type, Type))
def box(T): return Type(box, T)

To represent types I use the Type class, a class created in pydepcheck.py which is damn simple, here is the constructor

class Type:
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.args = args
    # more method for repr and equality checking

The cool part is that box is a function from types to types, and this gives us type abstraction, i.e., polymorphic type constructors. Here are some functions using box and its test

# receives a T and return a box(T)
type_("put_into_a_box", lambda T: (Type, T, box(T)))
def put_into_a_box(T, i):
    return [i]

# receives a box(int) and return an int
type_("get_from_a_box", lambda: (box(int), int))
def get_from_a_box(b):
    return b[0]

def test_box():
    # insert 1 in a box(int) and then remove it
    # int is the type parameter
    assert get_from_a_box(put_into_a_box(int, 1)) == 1

Existential types / Record types / Module types

The next type I want to show is existential types, it let us to express abstract types so that the caller do not know the representation of the type and only way that it has to interact with terms of an abstract type is through functions that work on such type. This is the foundation stone of encapsulation, which is one of the most important things in software engineering in my opinion.

This is for example the mechanism behind the OCaml (plain) modules.

I introduce a new class Record to represent record types, again the type constructor is a function from types to types, in this example I show the encapsulation of naturals.

# Receives a (T : Type) and return a the nat(T) type
type_("nat", lambda: (Type, Type))
def nat(T):
    return Record({
        "type": T,
        "zero": T,
        "succ": lambda: (T, T)

Records are represented by dictionaries in runtime, pack_nat receives the needed input and returns a packed nat(T):

# Receives a (T: Type) (zero : T) (succ : T -> T) and returns
# a nat(T) term
type_("pack_nat", lambda T: (Type, T, lambda: (T, T), nat(T)))
def pack_nat(T, zero, succ):
    return {"type": T, "zero": zero, "succ": succ}

Functions receiving a nat(T) term has no clue about the term internal representation but they can call the provided functions on it

# inc knows nothing about T, just that it can call
# nat(T) functions on it, i.e, T is abstract 
# receives a (T : Type), (nat : nat(T)) (i : T) and
# returns a T
type_("inc", lambda T: (Type, nat(T), T, T))
def inc(T, nat, i):
    return nat["succ"](i)

Here is the test of nat

# increment an int
type_("add1", lambda: (int, int))
def add1(a):
     return a + 1

def test_nat():
    # packs (int, 0, add1) into a nat(int) and pass it to
    # the inc function
    assert inc(int, pack_nat(int, 0, add1), 1) == 2

You may be wondering, well we have functions from terms to terms, from types to types, can we have functions from terms to types, or dependent functions?

Well, yes, but there is a problem

(static) Dependent types

Here I will introduce a tlist type, tlist is just a list in runtime and it has a with a generic T type in typecheck time.

# A typed list
type_("tlist", lambda T: (Type, Type))
def tlist(T):
    return Type(tlist, T)

# Return a new list with x in the front of the l list
type_("cons", lambda T: (Type, T, tlist(T), tlist(T)))
def cons(T, x, l):
    return [x, *l]

# Return an empty list
type_("nil", lambda T: (Type, tlist(T)))
def nil(T):
    return []

# Convert (cast) an untyped list to tlist(T) [unsound]
type_("mklist", lambda T: (Type, list, tlist(T)))
def mklist(T, l):
    return l

def test_tlist():
    assert cons(str, "a", cons(str, "b", nil(str))) == ["a", "b"] # ok
    assert mklist(int, [1,2,3]) == [1,2,3]                        # ok

Ok, now I will indtroduce a vector type, vector is tlist, paired with its lenght, it’s a type, since the lenght of the list depends on the list, this is tecnically a dependent type. Yay!, here is it:

# vec(T, i), where i is the length of the term of T
type_("vec", lambda T: (Type, int, Type))
def vec(T, i):
    return Type(vec, T, i)

# given a tlist(T) returns a vec(T, len(l))
type_("mkvec", lambda T, l: (Type, tlist(T), vec(T, len(l))))
def mkvec(T, l):
    return l

# converts a vec(T, i) back to a a tlist(T)
type_("vunpack", lambda T, n: (Type, int, vec(T, n), tlist(T)))
def vunpack(T, n, vec):
    return vec

# like cons, but for vectors
type_("vcons", lambda T, n: (Type, int, T, vec(T, n), vec(T, n + 1)))
def vcons(T, n, x, vec_):
    return [x, *vec_]

# acccept a vector with exactly one element
type_("head", lambda T: (Type, vec(T, 1), T))
def head(T, vec):
    return vec[0]

In runtime, vectors are justs lists. We can see in the type of head that it receives an vector of type vec(T, 1), which means that this vector need to have exactly one element. vec(T, 0) is type error, vec(T, 2) is type error.

We can call these functions as long as our inner lists exists at typecheck type, i.e, statically, here is the test

def test_tvec():
    assert head(bool, mkvec(bool, mklist(bool, [False]))) == False

But what would happens if we have something like this

type_("foo", lamdba T: (Type, tlist(T), T))
def foo(T, l):
    return head(T, mkvec(T, l))

In this case l does only exists in runtime, how can we typecheck the head call? The answer is, with the current implementation you can’t, to explain why I will need to explain a little how the typecheck works.

How the typecheck works

When you call python pydepcheck.py pydepchecktest.py the pydepchecktest.py is parsed into an AST and passed to Typer class, this class is an subclass NodeTransformer. NodeTrasnformer class will visit each node of the AST and it may replace the nodes if needed (more on this later).

In Type I only implement the visit_Call method of the NodeTransfomer which means that only calls will be visited. This is why all examples are nested calls, something like this x = 1; id(int, x) is not implemented.

In the visit_Call I

  • Just return if this is a subscript, subscript are expressions like this foo[bar], they are used in the record but we don’t care about them during the typechecking.
  • If this is a call to type_ we extend the type environment self.typeenv with the new type information just gathered. The value in self.typeenv will be an ast subtree.
  • If this is a call to typedebug we just print stuff.
  • If this is call to a lambda or to a function which we don’t have type information we just give up
  • Otherwise … this is the fun part

So here we are, trying to typecheck a call to a function which we have type inforation available, I will use the id(int, 1) call as example, at this point we are here in the code. I recommend that you open the code side by side to follow the explanation, in the following block of code we have

  • typ = self.typeenv[node.func.id], this will grab the type of the function. This is the AST for lambda T: (type, T, T) in this case. node.func.id is the name of the function being called, id in this case.
  • nparms = len(typ.args.args) will get the number of type arguments in typ, in this case we have T so a single one.
  • typargs = node.args[:nparms], here node.args are the actual arguments, if we are calling int(int, 1), then node.args will be the AST for the int, 1 arguments, nparms is the number of type arguments taken before, which is 1, so this will reduce to something like [int]
  • reduced_typs = self.eval(Call(typ, typargs, keywords=[])), this is the coolest part. In typergs we have the type arguments that we want to apply to type of the function, these will be the type variables like T in the type of id: lambda T: (Type, T, T) we construct an Call AST, here typ is lambda T: (Type, T, T) and typargs is int, this is basically (lambda T: (Type, T, T))(int) which reduces to (Type, int, int) after type application, and this is what is saved in the reduced_types, we will use this to typecheck.
  • nodeargs = [self.visit(arg) for arg in node.args], here self.visit is a method of NodeTransformer which will visit the nodes at node.args, node.args are the actual arguments of the functions. If we have nested calls like id(int, id(int, 1)) this will recurse to visit_Call again. As an spoiler, on success, visit_Call returns the type of the function just typechecked, the self.visit method will return this return type here, and this is how we typecheck the nested calls. In foo(bar()) the return type of bar() is replaced in nodeargs and used during the typechecking.

Now that we have the concrete (reduced) types and the argument, the typchecking, rougtly speaking is a matter of checking if the type of each term matches if the type gathered (and reduced) from the type environment, we do this by zipping the types and arguments (called terms in the code) and checking them, we have some cases to check, we are here in the code.

At this point term may still be an AST node, so instead of int that whould be what we want, we would have Name("int"), to_value method handle this returning a returning a proper value for the term, in this case, at first iteration we will have int in term and type in typ, with this, in the last if here we have type(int) is type which returns True. Yeap, we just typechecked the type variable passed to id, in the next iteration the term_ is 1 and the typ is int which reduces to type(1) is int which is also is True, finally we return the type of the whole call int in this case wrapped in a constant node.

Failing to checking runtime dependent types

Going back to our example, if we try to typecheck this

type_("foo", lamdba T: (Type, tlist(T), T))
def foo(T, l):
    return head(T, mkvec(T, l))

The first problem is that l is a variable here and it’s not introduced int the type environment, to introduce it we need to implement the visit_FunctionDef method of NodeTransformer introducing the type of the arguments into the type environment before typechecking the function body, but this will be not enough.

Even assuming that we did l has the type tlist(T) in the type environment, the type of mkvec is lambda T, l: (Type, tlist(T), vec(T, len(l)))) which means that we need to call len in this l, BUT l DOES NOT EXIST YET.


To make this work we would need to typecheck at runtime. Other option that I was wondering was to do something like this

type_("foo", lamdba T: (Type, tlist(T), T, T))
def foo(T, l, default):
    if len(l) == 1:
        return head(T, mkvec(T, l))
        return default

The idea here is to use the len(l) == 1 information in the if position as a typeguard, and substitute len(l) in the type vec(T, len(l)) with 1, with this achieving the the desired type for the head call. But I wil not do this at last not now, and I don’t think that this is elegant because now I have two evaluation strategies, but yeah, is doable. I say something about typeguards in this tweet. (In english: Playing with type guards, refining a type inside an if)

Well, I think that’s it. BTW this lampy3 project started with the idea of writing a functional language that transpiles to python but it got so complicated when I get to integrating to python (because there are python things that I don’t want, like exceptions) and also get I get stuck in the typechecker, I wanted something with at last polymorphism and existential types, but I’m always tempted to adding more and more to the type language (dependent types). I’m very happy with the results, even the dependent types being not usable.

Not controlling the evaluator imposes big obstacules in the implementation of a language, like I do not control the evaluation of Python, but it was a wonderful prototyping tool, if you get up to here, thanks for reading, you can reach me in the twitter for questions :)
