
Why use Rust? A simple Regex parser example

In this post I show why I would chose Rust over other languages for a project in present date. I do this by using a library for parsing dates as example, exposing strong points of Rust in a real example instead of speaking abstractly.

Before starting let me state the problem properly:

We want to parse strings into dates. The strings will be assumed to be a list of data elements separated by spaces. No special token order is assumed, the parser has the freedom to guess the meaning of a token based on the previously read tokens and heuristics

Here are some examples to give us one idea of what we want to achieve, we’re going to write the parse function.

fn main()
    println!("{:?}", parse("2024-12-31"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("12312359"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("Dec 31 2024"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("Dec 31 +1 day 2024"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("11111111"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("Jul 18 06:14:49 2024 GMT"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("@1690466034"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("@1735689599"));

A side note here, what I’m calling parsing is mostly called “lexing” or “tokenizing” in most compiler-related contexts. Parsing implies an AST but we have no AST here

Let’s start by opening the required libraries and creating a struct to hold a regex.

Note: You can check the code here: play.rust-lang

use regex::Regex;
use chrono::{Duration, DateTime, Datelike, Timelike, Utc};
use std::error::Error;

type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn Error>>;

struct RegexParser {
    regex: Regex,

I then implement a new method for RegexParser

impl RegexParser {
    fn new(input: &str) -> Result<RegexParser> {
        Ok(RegexParser {
            regex: Regex::new(input)?,

This will permit me to allocate a new Regex and fail safely if required.

Then I have the .action method that works like semantic action as in parser libraries. .action returns a closure that will be called with the tokens &str to be parsed. .action will also receive a closure that will be called with an array of strings [&str; N] (result of regex::Captures.extract) and return a Result<T>. The type returned by the semantic action will be the return type of the parser constructed. The only requirement is that the regex has at least one capture group

Here is the method:

    fn action<'a, T, const N: usize>(
        map: impl Fn([&'a str; N]) -> Result<T>,
    ) -> imply Fn(&'a str) -> Result<T> {
        move |token: &str| {
                .ok_or(Box::<dyn Error>::from("Expecting {self.regex} found {token}"))
                .and_then(|c| map(c.extract::<N>().1))
} // closes impl RegexParser

Let’s see an example, if we want to parse a number we can do something like this:

fn foo() -> Result<()> {
   let parse_num = RegexParser::new(r"(\d+)")?
        .action(|[n]| n.parse::<i32>().map_err(|e| Box::from(e.to_string())));

   let n: i32 = parse_num("1")?;
   assert_eq!(n, 2);

In this example parse_num is a parser that returns an Result<i32>. This the type comes from the type of the action. This code is overflow-safe because .parse::<i32>() will return Err if the value read overflows i32. The RegexParser ownership is captured by .action so all the memory (the regex and the closure itself) is kept with the caller of .action method, the regex is compiled only once and the parser can be called multiple times before the regex is freed.

Also, by making the result of .action generic, the return type can be decided by the action, which adds a lot of flexibility to the user. We returned a simple i32 but we can return a tuple for example:

   let parse_triple = RegexParser::new(r"(\d)(\d)(true|false)")?
        .action(|[a, b, c]| Ok((

   let (a, b, flag): (i32, i32, bool) = parse_triple("00false")?;
   assert_eq!(a, 0);
   assert_eq!(b, 0);
   assert_eq!(flag, false);

The generic return type Result<T> for any <T> is extremely helpful, and combined with ? operator it makes it simple to compose parsers. These unwraps are safe because of the size of the matches in this special case. But since the action returns Result<T> we can handle error cases in the semantic action too, like we did for i32.

To sum up, the chained call .new .action binds a regex with a semantic action and determine the return of the resulting parser, allocating the necessary memory, and moving it to the caller.

With these in hand, it is easy to make a bunch of parsers for parsing dates, here I’ll be using an optimistic approach. The parser will iterate over the tokens, and accumulate a state. When all the tokens were read the accumulated state is returned. The input is assumed to be space separated of tokens, the tokens will be parsed individually and the state will be accumulated during the iteration.

// The parser state will accumulate Some(..)s during the iteration
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct ParseState {
    year: Option<i32>,
    month: Option<i32>,
    day: Option<i32>,
    hour: Option<i32>,
    minute: Option<i32>,
    second: Option<i32>,
    relatives: Vec<Duration>,

To parse the dates we create the parsers in the scope, and split the input (a string at this point) into tokens. We iterate through the tokens, looking at most one token ahead if required (by using Peekable). We do this in a parse function which will own the memory used by the parser. The function returns the state, on return the parsers created go out of scope and are deallocated.

In the parse function I initialize a set of parsers, a default state, the iterator and the starting iterating over the tokens.

fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<ParseState> {
    let mut parse_state = ParseState::default();
    let parse_i32 = RegexParser::new(r"^\+?(\d{1,9})$")?.action(|[n]| {
    // more parsers ...
    let mut iter = input.split_whitespace().peekable();
    while let Some(token) = iter.next() {
	// parser code

For each token, we try the parsers in some order, but only if some field of the state is absent. After iterating over all the tokens the state is returned.

    // initialization 
    while let Some(token) = iter.next() {
        if let (None, Ok((mm, dd, hh, mm_, yyyy))) = (parse_state.hour, parse_mmddhhmmyyyy(token)) {
            parse_state.hour = Some(hh);
            parse_state.minute = Some(mm_);
            parse_state.month = Some(mm);
            parse_state.day = Some(dd);
            parse_state.year = Some(yyyy);
        } else if let (None, Ok((mm, dd, hh, mm_))) = (parse_state.hour, parse_mmddhhmm(token)) {
            parse_state.hour = Some(hh);
            parse_state.minute = Some(mm_);
            parse_state.month = Some(mm);
            parse_state.day = Some(dd);
        } else if let (None, Ok(ts)) = (parse_state.minute, parse_epoch(token)) {

We can see now how the parsing advances. parse_state will be all Nones at the beginning. When a parser function matches a token it will update the parse_state fields. In some cases reading one token gives us a clue about the next token’s meaning. For example, in Jul 21, after reading a month "Jul" if the next token is a number it is interpreted as the day.

If we want to parse two tokens in sequence we can do something like this, (assuming -> Result<T> context).

    let month = parse_month(tokens.next()?)?;
    if let Some(day) = parse_number(tokens.peek()?) {
	parse_state.day = Some(day);

Note that I’m using peek method here to get the next value in the iterator without moving it forward. This means a lookahead of at most 1 token at a time. Since our iterator is not capable of backtracking, and it cannot look more than one value ahead in the iterator we guaranteed constant worst-case complexity. This means that some grammar will not be expressible, but it is enough for our cases where the tokens do not form trees. It is still possible to use recursive descendent with RegexParser but you need an iterator more powerful than what we’re using there to control the backtracking.

The end of the parse function:


We can test multiple dates then:

fn main() {
    println!("{:?}", parse("2024-12-31"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("12312359"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("Dec 31 2024"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("Dec 31 +1 day 2024"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("11111111"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("Jul 18 06:14:49 2024 GMT"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("@1690466034"));
    println!("{:?}", parse("@1735689599"));

And see the results

ParseState { year: Some(2024), month: Some(12), day: Some(31), hour: None, minute: None, second: None, relatives: [] }
ParseState { year: None, month: Some(12), day: Some(31), hour: Some(23), minute: Some(59), second: None, relatives: [] }
ParseState { year: Some(2024), month: Some(12), day: Some(31), hour: None, minute: None, second: None, relatives: [] }
ParseState { year: Some(2024), month: Some(12), day: Some(31), hour: None, minute: None, second: None,
	relatives: [TimeDelta { secs: 86400, nanos: 0 }] }
ParseState { year: None, month: Some(11), day: Some(11), hour: Some(11), minute: Some(11), second: None, relatives: [] }
ParseState { year: Some(2024), month: Some(7), day: Some(18), hour: Some(6), minute: Some(14), second: Some(49), relatives: [] }
ParseState { year: Some(2023), month: Some(7), day: Some(27), hour: Some(13), minute: Some(53), second: Some(54), relatives: [] }
ParseState { year: Some(2024), month: Some(12), day: Some(31), hour: Some(23), minute: Some(59), second: Some(59), relatives: [] }


Rust gives us control over memory allocation and has an amazing type system. It lets us programmers reason about the lifetime of our memory resources and decide how much they live and where/when they are released. While this is a lot of power is also a lot of responsibility, the programmer has to keep track of the lifetimes, something completely new(!?) when coming from other languages.

In the regex parser example, being able to decide the parser return type by the semantic action and also being able to choose where the memory for the parsers should live and when they are deallocated are good reasons for me doing this in Rust. Also, the parser has a predictable efficiency due to controlled backtracking. All these are good arguments in favor of Rust. The downside is that the language is complex and it requires some time to get productive with it, it is not a simple language. But with some effort it is possible to understand it, is up to the developer to decide. I think the hard learning curve gets paid in the end when we finally achieve predictable/automatic memory management.

My mistake while trying to learn Rust for the first time was to try to avoid lifetimes at all costs and never try to understand them for real. Here are the top things about lifetimes I keep in mind while coding in Rust today:

  • Lifetimes track scopes of a variable
  • Lifetimes are type generics: <'s, 'b> (small, big)
  • Lifetimes can be a subtype of another lifetime, <'s, 'b: 's>. The meaning of this is 'b completely contains 's (big completely contains small).
  • Lifetimes are subject to variance, by being used in covariant, contravariant and invariant positions.
  • 'static : 'a holds for any 'a
  • Lifetimes variance are used during function application. For example if you have a function that receives &'a str reference, since 'static : 'a holds we know that &'static str : &'a str holds for that function, if we call that function with &'static str argument, which is a subtype of &'a str, the call type checks.
  • The intuition is: If the function can handle arguments with 'a lifetimes, and 'static completely contains 'a, any reference valid in 'a, will be valid in 'static.
  • The variance can make lifetimes complex but lifetime is at the core of Rust’s killer feature, the borrow checker. I strongly believe that mastering Rust is mastering the borrow checker and that the lifetimes are a central part of it.

So if any of these is good for you, then Rust is a good choice, you may take the project requirements into consideration for each case:

  • Memory allocations and deallocations should happen at known places
  • Type safety
  • Native performance
  • Lightweight
  • Robustness
  • Fine Control
  • Performance
  • Easy deploy

If otherwise you don’t care for these points other languages may suit you better

  • If you don’t care about memory allocations
  • Type safety does not matter
  • Performance does not matter
  • I want to fast prototype
  • I don’t like compilers
  • Fast iteration, breaking changes
  • Single thread

I strongly believe Rust is a future-proof language because it gives us all the features we require, the combination of an amazing type system and the borrow checker is sufficient, for writing efficient, memory-safe programs.


  • play.rust-lang
  • https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/
  • https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/subtyping.html