
Small LISP interpreter in Python

What you can do only with functions? In this post I will show a small implementation of a LISP like interpreter where it has no data structures, only functions, and show some examples of how to get recursion with anonymous functions and lists with it.

First things first, the implementation is here: https://github.com/dhilst/lis.py

It’s an small LISP like interpreter wrote in Python using only the stdlib. Also it’s a single file so it should be easy to grasp it.

First thing is that lis.py is strictier that other LISPs. It’s common to write LISP like this:

(foo bar)
(tar zar)
(tick tack toe)

And expect the lines to execute in sequence. But in lis.py to write a sequence of expressions and have then executed in sequence you need to wrap it in a prog call, so the above example should be in lis.py like:

  (foo bar)
  (tar zar)
  (tick tack toe))

The exception to this rule is the REPL. In the REPL each line is read and evaluated so you don’t need the prog between each line.

In other words, a program is always an expression in lis.py, there no are “statements” so far. So, beside that, everything is pretty straighfoward.

Now the cool part, FUCNTIONS! Or to be more precise, CLOSURES!

The major construct in lis.py is the lambda, with it you can construct closures that captures the environment. The environment, as you may know, is where the variables live.

So let’s show some examples, we have the arithmetic operators builtin, so to write a function that increments a value we can do:

(lambda (x) (+ x 1))

Pretty simple huh? And to call this function, as it is expected, we place it side by side with an argument, so the below example prints 2 in the REPL:

To run the REPL just clone the repo and fire python3 lis.py

((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 1)

But using anonyous function can become a burden so I added define construct wich defines a global varialbe. The previous example could also be achieved with (in REPL):

(define inc (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
(inc 1)

You can define a recursive function too, so the next example prints 120:

(define fact (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (fact (- x 1))))))
(fact 5)

You can call lambda functions recursively too, to do this there is the fix operator. fix will receive a function and a list of arguments and call this function passing the same function as the last argument. So you can do the previous example in a single expression like this

(fix (lambda (x fact) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (fact (- x 1) fact)))) 5)

If this is too trick here is the same exaple in python

def fix(f, *args):
    return f(*args, f)
assert fix((lambda x, fact: 1 if x == 0 else x * fact(x - 1, fact)), 5) == 120

If you want to now more about fix checkout the Wikipedia article. Or just google “fix point operator” or “The Y combinator” (and skip the results about the company called with the same name). Please note that while fix is simple, theorical articles tend to make it looks much more complicated that it needs to be, the idea is “you get recursion by passing the function as argument to it self”.

What about lists? We don’t have lists, but we can recover then using Scott encoding. I wrote a post about it here Scott-encoding-in-pytho. If the next example is too complicated for you read this article about Scott encoding first then go back here, it should be easier since there I give all the details of how this works, the code here is just a translation of the code in the Scott encoding article.

Roughtly speaking the idea is that you break your data type in constructors and define these constructors in terms of functions. Here is the example from the lis.py source code at test.lispy, ignore calls are comments :

  (ignore Define the two constructors of our list datatype)
  (define list-nil (lambda () (lambda (cons nil'') (nil''))))
  (define list-cons (lambda (cons nil') (lambda (cons' nil'') (cons' cons nil'))))

  (ignore Define a list)
  (define l (list-cons 1 (list-cons 2 (list-cons 3 (list-nil)))))

  (ignore Define a fold function)
  (define list-fold
     (lambda (l f acc k)
       (let! (empty (lambda () acc))
       (let! (not-empty (lambda (head tail) (k tail f (f head acc) k)))
         (l not-empty empty)))))

  (ignore Fold the list with the + function, basically sum the elemnts
          of the list)
  (assert (= (fix list-fold l + 0) 6))

Note that I’m using fix, so this works as well with anonymous function as it would work with named ones.

In fact I was not even aware that recursive definitions works out-of-box before writing this article. The fix operator was there before the define, I put define as a convenience.

But why all this? Well I want something so that I can pratice lambda calculus where I know that I don’t have anything other than functions and that I can easily tweak, so that I can pratice encoding stuff into functions. Also I think this is the smaller language possible, we basically only have functions, if, and fix. define, ignore, progn and assert are conveniences to make it better to use, but not really critical. Also I have some bultings like arithmetic, boolean comparison functions and bitwise, but these are to make easier to check things. On pure lambda calculus everything are functions, if I use it I would need to check things like this (= ((lambda (x) x) (lambda (y) y)) (lambda (y) y)), in fact I would not have = so it’s terrible experience to work with it.

Seconly, I was on this “writing programmming” languages for some time, gaining experience, and some years ago this would be full mind-blowing to me. I tried Make you a LISP and other tutorials about it and all they go over macros, and all the complications which I think is important for a real LISP but not so important for grasping the essence of how interpreters and programming languages works. lis.py is small (but still usable for studying) so that other learners can read it, tweak it and learn from it.