
Scott Encoding in Python

On LISP world is well known that functions and data are not so distinct entities. Every LISP program is data and code, at the same time. Other place where this happens is in lambda calculus, where you have only functions, (closures to be more precise), and it’s still possible to encode data structures. In this post I will talk about Scott Encoding and show how it works.

We can encoding arbitrary data structures using only functions, I will show an example with lists but this is also true for trees, maps and even numbers. Let’s begin.

PS: I will use Haskell on the first examples, but you don’t need to know Haskell to follow this post, don’t worry, it’s just on the beginnig and it will end fast.

Algebraic data types are something well know in functional programming world. The ideia is that you define things like this (in Haskell)

data Bool = True | False

Meaning that Bool, is a type, which have values True and False. True and False are called data construtors but I will call it only construtors here because we’ll not use the type vs value distinction in this post.

Construtors may receive arguments too. For example : data Foo a = Bar a | Tar. In this case the construtor Bar receives 1 argument and Tar receives 0 arguments. But why I’m talking about algebraic data types instead of encoding data as functions? Well, because the encoding that I will show can be used to encode any algebraic data type.

Other things that you can do with algebraic data types is to match then against a case expression (or match expression in OCaml and other languages). It works like this :

case foo of
     Bar x -> -- foo is a Bar
     Tar -> -- foo is a Tar

So, enough of Haskell, I will show now some python code, with the encoding and will explain in the remaining of the post.

nil = lambda: lambda cons_, nil_: nil_()
cons = lambda x, y: lambda cons_, nil_: cons_(x, y)

def fold(l, f, acc):
    def not_empty(head, tail):
        return fold(tail, f, f(head, acc))
    def empty():
        return acc
    return l(not_empty, empty)

def test_list():
    l = cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil())))
    sum_ = lambda x, acc: x + acc
    to_list = lambda x, acc: acc + [x]
    assert fold(l, sum_, 0) == 6
    assert fold(l, to_list, []) == [1,2,3]

If you copy and paste this code to a foo.py file and install pytest (I recomed use python3 -m pip install --user pytest) you can run it with pytest foo.py. The code is crypt but the idea is simple.

Before dive in the explanation, this encoding is used on lambda calculus where we only have functions, so basicaly, everything is a function, the arguments, the data, the iteration, it’s okay, it’s the function world.

We are going to define a Scott encoding for a list. A list has two construtors:

  • cons which receives an argument and the tail of the list.
  • nil which is the list terminator.

So that lists have this structure (in python syntax) cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))), but as I said, everything is a function so nil is function too, so we in fact need to write it like this : cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil())))).

Here we go, the encoding :

  1. The idea is that you define a function for each of your constructors, we have cons and nil so we should have two functions too, which I named cons and nil too, because I’m very creative.
  2. These functions are our construtors, they will receive as many arguments as our construtors do. So cons receives two arguments, the element to be put on the list and the tail of the list. And nil do not receive any arguments, so we define it as a function with zero arguments. These are lines 1 and 2 in the code above.
  3. Each of the construtors will return a function that takes as many parameters as we have constructors. In our case we have two constructors, so each function will receive two arguments. You can choose the order arbitrary, but that order need to be consistent across all the constructors. Here each construtor will return a function that receives two arguments which I named cons_ and nil_. I could name it cons and nil, but I liked to make it clear that these are other functions. I will call these the matcher functions, becuse they will do the role of case/match expressions in future.
  4. Each matcher function defined at (3) will call one of it’s arguments, depeding on which of the construtor we are. So if we are defining nil construtor and we have nil_ argument in the matcher function, we will call it, since nildoes not receive any argument we will call it with no arguments, like nil_(). For cons is the same but we will call cons_ with the argument receive by the construtor so cons_(head, tail) where the constructor is defined as cons = lambda head, tail: lambda cons_, nil_, cons_(head, tail).

Okay, that’s it, we did it! But all these functions? How we use this? Well constructing a list is not that hard, it can be done intuitively as in l = cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil()))).

The next question is, how we extract data from this list. And the answer is : FUNCTIONS!

Let’s think, we called the construtors, each construtor return a fuction that receives two arguments. So we can extract data from l by calling it with two functions, the first one will be called if the list is not empty, and the second function will be called if the function is empty. So for example

l = cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil())))
l(print, print) # 1 <function <lambda>.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f5ddb1848b0>
l(lambda head, tail: None, print) # nothing happens, the list is not empty
l(lambda head, tail: print("banana"), print) # prints banana

empty = nil()
print(empty(lambda head, tail: "cat", lambda: "dog")) # prints dog, this list is empty

Okay we know how to take the first and second element of the list, and how to deal with empty lists, we just pass the functions that will be called on each case. But how we iterate over it? Well in the first argumment, called by the cons case, you will receive the head of the list and the tail of it, which is another list. You just have to call the tail again with your functions and you will be iteating over it, or recursing over it, it’s the same thing in this case. So here is function that print the elements of a list

def print_list(l):
    empty = lambda: None # do nothing
    def not_empty(head, tail):
        tail(not_empty, empty)
    l(not_empty, empty)

print_list(l) # prints 1 2 and 3

It’s a little weird in the way that it works, but yeah, it works! Another cool thing you can do with lists is folding then, on javascript and in other languages this is called reduce. Here is how to define it:

def fold(l, f, acc):
    def not_empty(head, tail):
        return fold(tail, f, f(head, acc))
    def empty():
        return acc
    return l(not_empty, empty)

And now you can sum list of numbers with fold(l, lambda x, acc: x + acc, 0) and even convert it to a python list with fold(l, lambda x, acc: [x] + acc, []). Both of these examples are in the test_list function in the code above so you can play with it.

If you want to know more about Scott Encoding, just Google it or search on YouTube for “Scott Encoding”, you will find plent of source talking about it.

So, this is it! I hope you like it :)