
Right associative lambda calculus

I always wondered how it would be to use a function that application is right associative. I mean, instead of calling functions like this f(x) or f x we can call it like this x f, basically the call is inverted you have the arguments first then the function. And what would be the implications of this change.

The pipe operator is known in OCaml for providing something like that, so foo |> bar is equivalent to bar foo and foo |> bar tar is equivalent to bar tar foo. I would like to try a language where all applications are in this form by default, to experiment with this I implemented a simple lambda calculus parser and evaluator. I show my conclusions at the end of the post

The motivation

The motivation behind this is the look for a grammar that is intuitive to read. The use of pipe operator make it clear what I’m talking about. do_something x |> then_other_thing |> then_another_thing. You speel the code as a series of transformations in the order they occur, in the same way we do with shell commands for example, ps -ef | grep python | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'.

I want something that is in this way by default, data func1 func2 func3.

The implementation

Lambda calculus is a computation model created by Alonzo Church in the 30s. You can think of it as the smaller programming language ever. It has variables, abstractions (functions) and applications (function calls). Applications are usually left associative so f a b is equal to ((f a) b). In this post I show an (deadly simple, and possibly wrong) implemenation a lambda calculus with right associative aplications.

All the code is in github at https://github.com/dhilst/rlambda

Basically I declare the type of expressions that I can have:

from collections import namedtuple as t  # type: ignore

var = t("var", "name")
lamb = t("lamb", "var body")
rappl = t("rappl", "l r")

Some possible errors

class ParseError(Exception):

class EndOfInput(ParseError):

The parse microlib

Then I wrote a simple parse combinator, you can check what are parse combinators at Wikipedia or search for tutorials on it, but basically you write functions to parse simple things, and other functions to combine the former ones on to parser more complex expressions.

Here is a simple explanation of the combinators used in the code

  • A parse is a function that receives an input and return the parsed value and the remaining input, or raise an error.
  • pregex("foo") returns a parser that parses “foo”.
  • pand(p1, p2, ..., pn) is an logical and combinator, it runs all parsers, p1, p2, up to pn and return a list of their results. If any p fails the pand fails too.
  • por(p1, p2) is an logical or, it returns the resulf of the first p that succeed, and fails if all parsers fails.

And that’s it!

The grammar

I declare the terminals at:

LPAR = pregex(r"\(")
RPAR = pregex(r"\)")
ARROW = pregex(r"=>")
VAR = pregex(r"\w+")

Then I declare the grammar as a series of parser combinators, the entry point is the pexpr function. There are pexpr_<n> functions where <n> is a number. The higher the number higher is the precedence of that parser. So pexpr will call pexrp_1 which in turn calls pexrp_2 and so on and in the end they will genearte and AST, in terms of var, lamb and rappr, introduced earlier, so that this AST can be evaluated by the eval_ function. I will show the eval_ function later.

The code:

def pexpr(inp):
    return pexpr_1(inp)

def pexpr_1(inp):
    return por(plamb, pexpr_2)(inp)

def pexpr_2(inp):
    return por(prappl, pexpr_3)(inp)

def pexpr_3(inp):
    return por(pvar, pparen)(inp)

def plamb(inp):
    (v, _, body), inp = pand(VAR, ARROW, pexpr)(inp)
    return lamb(v, body), inp

def pvar(inp):
    v, inp = VAR(inp)
    return var(v), inp

def prappl(inp):
    e1, inp = pexpr_3(inp)
    e2, inp = pexpr(inp)
    return rappl(e1, e2), inp

def pparen(inp):
    (_, e, _), inp = pand(LPAR, pexpr, RPAR)(inp)
    return e, inp

With this set up we can test the parsing. It should return AST value and the remaining input. I’m using pytest for testing, you can run pytest rlambda.py to run it.

def test_lparser():
    assert pexpr("a") == (var("a"), "")
    assert pexpr("(a)") == (var("a"), "")
    assert pexpr("a b")[0] == rappl(var("a"), var("b"))
    assert pexpr("(a b)")[0] == rappl(var("a"), var("b"))
    assert pexpr("a => b")[0] == lamb("a", var("b"))
    assert pexpr("(a => b)")[0] == lamb("a", var("b"))
    assert pexpr("a => b => c")[0] == lamb("a", lamb("b", var("c")))
    assert pexpr("x (a => b)")[0] == rappl(var("x"), lamb("a", var("b")))
    assert pexpr("x (a => b)")[0] == rappl(var("x"), lamb("a", var("b")))
    assert pexpr("a => a b") == (
        lamb(var="a", body=rappl(l=var(name="a"), r=var(name="b"))),
    assert pexpr("x a => b => c")[0] == rappl(
        l=var(name="x"), r=lamb(var="a", body=lamb(var="b", body=var(name="c"))))
    assert pexpr("x (a => b => c)")[0] == rappl(
        l=var(name="x"), r=lamb(var="a", body=lamb(var="b", body=var(name="c"))))
    assert pexpr("x (a => b => c)")[0] == rappl(
        l=var(name="x"), r=lamb(var="a", body=lamb(var="b", body=var(name="c"))))

Then we have the eval function that evaluate an expression. Here I’m using call by value convetion. This is closer to what is used on most programming languages.

And some tests, and during the tests I found something interesting, that is kind of obvious once you think about it, but not that obvious at first.

def test_eval():
    assert eval_(pexpr("1 (x => x)")[0]) == "1"

    assert pexpr("1 2 (a => b => a)")[0] == pexpr("1 (2 (a => b => a))")
    assert eval_(pexpr("1 2 (a => b => a)")[0]) == "2"

Right associative applications, conclusion

If you look carefully to the last tests you will find this assert ("1 2 (a => b => a)")[0] == pexpr("1 (2 (a => b => a))"). ```, And yet assert eval_(pexpr("1 2 (a => b => a)")[0]) == "2".

I was expecting 1 2 (a => b => a) to reduce to 1, not 2, but since the application is right associative, that expression is equal to 1 (2 (a => b => a)). Now it’s clear what is happening, the 2 is being passed to the function before the 1. The AST of this expression is this:

      r=lamb(var="a", body=
        lamb(var="b", body=

So r=rappl(l=var(name="2"), r=lamb(var="a", body=lamb(var="b", body=var(name="a")))) is evaluated first.

While data func1 func2 func3 is some kind of intuitive to read take data and apply func1, then func2 then func3, the inversed application of arguments were not expected and took me by surprise, and it’s not intuitive at all.

This is not wrong in fact, it’s consistent to the right associativity, but it’s weird. I will keep looking for a left to rigth grammar that is intuitive to follow anyway.

I hope that you liked, comments and questions are welcome!