
Ansible tasks inside vim

I’ve been writing a lot of ansible playbooks recently. When programing on dynamic languages is pretty common to have into the text editor the ability to evaluate arbitrary code, being a whole file or a single line. Here is how to this with ansible!

I wrote a simple vim plugin for enabling me to do so. It’s usage is very simple, follow on


If you’re not using vim-plug, I really recommend you to do so. Almost all vim plugins are compatible between plugin managers and this should not be different. Just place this lines between call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') and call plug#end() in your .vimrc and execute :so % to reload the file. Then run :PlugInstall and wait it to install the plugin.

Plug 'dhilst/vim-ansible-execute-task'


This plugin define 3 user commands

  • AnsibleExecuteTask: Execute tasks in visual block (text selection for no-vimwers)
  • AnsibleExecuteFile: Execute a file in a role (only tasks, not a playbook)
  • AnsibleExecutePlaybook: Execute a playbook

Here is a asciinema of it asciicast

Source code

