
How to mount local folder on remote system through sshfs

You need first create a tunnel from a remote port to your 22 port. Then you use this port for doing the reversed sshfs

mymachine $ > ssh root@remote -R 10000:localhost:22
remote # >
remote # >
remote # > sshfs -p 10000 myuser@localhost:/local/path /remote/mountpoint/path

I use this to mount frontend projects on remote systems so that I can run webpack on my machine and have it deployed to a remote host with all the webpack-dev-server stuff running locally, is very handy

I was working on local virtual machines, so everything was easy, but then I had to test stuff on another virtual machines that are remote, behint VPN, NAT, and firewall, so this solution fits as a glove.

The filesystem should be very slow, there are some overhead but it is still faster than the build/deploy/fix loop that is usual when testing things on remote systems.
