
Abstracting recursion over AST

Something that I think is realy useful when working with abstract syntax trees, is the possibility to do tree transformations. Trees transaformations can be used to add information to the AST from a semantic analysis, add positions, do optimizations, inline functions, etc. In this post I show what I learned after trying to achieve good tree transformations API in my code.

First things first: I’m using a boolean language with variables as example here. I know that real world examples tend to be much more complex. Also, keep in mind that the things shown here represent my personal opinion but I will try to explain the trade-offs as much as possible, in any case, spoiler alert; it may not be the most type safe option available, I will try to explain why later.

You can find the code here!

The Language

So this is the OCaml type for the AST

type expr =
  Bool of bool
| And of expr * expr
| Or of expr * expr
| Not of expr
| Var of string 

The Var is just for making it possible to represent unoptimizable branches in the AST. Otherwise the notion of interpreting and optimizing would colide.

(Not (Not x)) ~> x

Our first optimization is solving (Not (Not x)) expressions to x. The code start like this:

let rec notnot = function
  | Not (Not a) -> notnot a
  | ...

Of course this is not valid OCaml code. The ... need to be replaced with all the branches. I may be tempted to do this:

let rec notnot = function
  | Not (Not a) -> notnot a
  | expr -> expr

But then the expression (And (Not (Not x), ...)) would not be optmized. We need to carry our tree transformation recursively over the AST:

let rec notnot = function
  | Not (Not a) -> notnot a
  | And (a, b) -> And (notnot a, notnot b)
  | Or (a, b) -> Or (notnot a, notnot b)
  | Not a -> Not (notnot a)
  | Bool _ as a -> a
  | Var _ as a -> a

Now if we do another tree transformation we need to repeat all the recursion boilerplate again. This is not a problem with a small AST as we have here but it becomes tedious when the AST starts to grow.

Abstracting recursion

So this is the first lesson I learned from these tries:

  1. Try to squish all the AST in on type as much as possible.

This will simplify a lot the tree transformations because if you have an AST spanning 5 types for example, to write a complete tree transformation you’ll need to write, at last: 5 functions, just to carry the recursion over the AST.

The down side here is that a complex AST have multiple levels, for example: a complete programming language may have a type for statements and another for expressions. Squishing statements and expressions make possible to construct expressions containing statements which may be invalid in that programming language. Because of this the user of the API has to deal with invalid cases and the AST is NOT VALID BY CONSTRUCTION.

My argument here is that is simpler to: 1) use a simpler grammar and simpler AST that is not valid by construction and do validation as second phase action than 2) write a strictier grammar and use a valid by construction AST with multiple types. You can also use both, start with simpler AST and write a function that maps that simpler AST to a correct by construction AST type.

That said, it is possible to abstract the recursion of the previous optimization: We receive a function that represents some transformation and we call it in all the recursive cases in our AST:

let transf' f = function
  | Bool _ as b -> b
  | Var _ as v -> v
  | And (a, b) -> And (f a, f  b)
  | Or (a, b) -> Or (f a, f b)
  | Not a -> Not (f a)

Now we can redefine our notnot optimization like this

let rec notnot' = function
  | Not (Not a) -> notnot' a 
  | expr -> transf' notnot' expr

And this is the second lesson I learned:

  1. Write a function to carry the recursion for you.
    • Given the AST type t:
      • A transformation is a function t -> t
      • Receive a tranformation f : t -> t and an expression expr : t and call/carry the transformation over all the recursive branches of t

As a side note, in the gist there are two functions transf and transf'. The difference is that transf calls the f function again after recursing, in the Not case:

(* transf *)
| Not a -> f (Not (f a))

(* transf' *)
| Not a -> Not (f a)

I couldn’t find an example but I guess that transf is more susceptible to falling in an infinite loop depending on f.

Abstracting the recursion make the intended transformation evident and this is very important because tree transformations may introduce unsoundness or bugs.