
Enabling F# intelisense support on neovim with LSP


Okay after a day struggling I could enable intelisense for F# files in vim using LanguageClient-neovim and Ionide-vim. It was not easy beacuse of the lack of the documentation.

Install the plugins

I’m using vim-plug, to install the required plugins I added this to my .vimrc

Plug 'autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim', {
    \ 'branch': 'next',
    \ 'do': 'bash install.sh',
    \ }
Plug 'ionide/Ionide-vim', {
      \ 'do':  'make fsautocomplete',

Run so %, then PlugInstall

BUG?!: I had to change all permissions on Ionide-vim/fsac folder they were all 0000, so I runned this command: find ~/.vim/plugged/Ionide-vim/ -perm 000 -exec chmod 755 {} \;. This seems to be a bug on the zip file that is downloaded, I don’t really know for sure.

Then add this to configure that LSP server command. Run this command on command line and make sure that it works before trying it on vim.

" LanguageClient-neovim stuff
let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {
    \ 'fsharp': ['dotnet', expand('~/.vim/plugged/Ionide-vim/fsac/fsautocomplete.dll')]
    \ }
let g:LanguageClient_loggingLevel = 'INFO'
let g:LanguageClient_virtualTextPrefix = ''
let g:LanguageClient_loggingFile =  expand('~/.local/share/nvim/LanguageClient.log')
let g:LanguageClient_serverStderr = expand('~/.local/share/nvim/LanguageServer.log')

And thats it!

LanguageClient-neovim vs ALE

I’ve been looking at LanguageClient-neovim, it happens that it provides linter functionality as ALE do. At beggining I thought that LanugageClient-neovim were a simple middleware for ALE or Syntastic, but is not!

The difference is that LSP is ONE lint (and more) tool, and ALE is capable of enabling multiple linters, fixers, formaters and combine them together this is realy cool but knowing that LaguangeClient-neovim is able to provide most wanted linting, autocomplete etc enable having these functionality for languages that support LSP but are not supported by ALE yet, and to create the ALE support for it if I want, pretty cool.